Gabriel Schmitz (b. 1970) is a European painter, born in Germany, trained in Scotland and living in Barcelona, Spain since 1995. The human figure is the central theme of his work. As he understands it, the body represents a potent means of expression. Given this, he draws his inspiration from a variety of fields: contemporary dance, cinematographic imagery, or travel, both real and imaginative, always attracted by the “other”, the “not-yet-known”, trying to come to an understanding of it through painting.

His paintings and works on paper have been shown on a regular basis in Barcelona, Paris, London and the United States. His first show in Gallery Ramfjord was in May 2013.

“You should look as you would listen. When I am painting I am listening to images, not pronouncing them.”

Gabriel Schmitz will participate at Oslo Kulturnatt September 13th in Galleri Ramfjord, together with Maiko Nishino.